Characters involved:
- Tommy
- Esava as Percival
- Nabooru as Lomoora
TommyAPP [9:37 PM] THE LEGENDARY THIEF, TOMMY TWIGGINS, HAS ARRIVED AT KAKARIKO IN GLORIOUS STEED-RIDING FASHION! ...Although most people probably don't even notice him, seeing as he's totally eclipsed from front-view by his Gerudo escort, Lomoora. "Quaint lil' place," Tommy remarks, mostly to himself, looking around from the rear of the saddle. "I'm used t'Clock Town for me interactions wi' humans, this burg ain't got as much bustle. 'Course, that probably means they're soft marks...maybe they don't even lock their doors at night." ;) Putting aside such speculation, Tommy stands up on the horse's back and squeaks for attention. "OI! I'm lookin' fer a chap called Esava, dark bark as humans go, lotsa muscle, prob'ly 'alf-dead. Anybody seen 'im?!"
PercyAPP [11:14 PM] In the time since Irina, Link and the remainder of others left, Percival had emerged from his household to collect several herbs from the nearby garden bed. With Primrose still inside, he had taken this rare opportunity of (relative) quiet time to really focus on his stock and what he needed to grow more of. So one can imagine his shudder once Tommy's squeal rings across the Village, drawing all sorts of attention.
"Esava..." Percy mutters. "Bark skin." Certainly it matches the description of the one that arrived earlier! With an audible sigh as he surrenders to the urge of helping someone out, the middle aged human wanders over to the deku scrub with a curious eye.
"You're looking for the dark skinned man?" Percy clarifies, squinting at Tommy. He had never seen a deku scrub before. "He was critically injured when he arrived here. Who are you? And why should I disclose his location to you?"
TommyAPP [5:59 PM] Tommy leans casually against Lomoora's back. "Me fame ain't found its way out here yet, eh? That's a'right, I could do wi' a break from all the attention. Th'name's Tommy Twiggins, adventurer extra-ordin-air. Esava's me sidekick, y'could say. Shoulda known better'n t'let 'im outta me sight like that, I know. Just point me in th'right direction an' I'll see to it 'e keeps outta harm's way from now on."
LomooraAPP [7:25 PM] The Gerudo sighed to herself and shook her head. "Fame is the last thing you'd want around here. If you'd like to keep your profile low, especially being someone with deft hands," she noted of his thievery. "I can confirm that they were once together and he speaks the truth. The two of them are a pair and likely do better to be together than to be apart," she added to Tommy's story.
PercivalAPP [12:22 AM] "Your... sidekick." Percy repeats Tommy's statement with an air of disbelief, drawing his gaze back to Lomoora with an arched brow. "You are from the Gerudo tribe, yes? Hm." That was nearly just as strange to see as the deku scrub! At least in these parts. At least Percival knew of them though.
"Esava emerged from a meeting with someone of the Sheikah, I think. From the inn. After that they parted ways. She ventured up into the mountains, while he went to the fields." Percival rubs his chin in some thought. "Considering you came from that direction, I'm mildly surprised you didn't see him or cross paths. He didn't say where he was going or what he was doing as he left. As he recovered from his wounds though he said he wanted to speak to Link, who left before Esava got a chance to see him. If I had to guess, he went to the fields to follow him."
LomooraAPP [1:14 AM] "We might be able to catch up with him, but I'd have to be convinced to go that way after coming all this way," Lomoora sighed. "But, it's likely the better thing to do, but since you came running back after getting your leaves handed to you by Ganondorf, who's to say he won't be out there again scouting for you two? I'm not sure I'm ready for that level of commitment. Still, Lady Nabooru needs you both to connect and I don't think I can cut myself out of this that easily and my honor tells me I should do this anyway."
She was trying to talk herself out of this and failing miserably. "How long ago did he leave?"
TommyAPP [6:50 PM] Tommy nods sagely. "Ah, the She-Cat, yes, very important clue there." Tommy taps the side of his snoot significantly, then plops back down on the horse. "Well, if 'e's wanderin' about on 'is own out theah, best get on 'is trail sharpish! Can't be 'avin' 'im get scuffed up again. An' th'boss-lady wants her lettah from 'im, right?" ;)
LomooraAPP [1:13 AM] "She...Cat?" Lomoora was absolutely baffled about how that popped up in the conversation at all. So confusing was it, that she went back over what was said to see where in Hyrule it would fit in at. After a few more runs, it finally dawned on her and her quizzical scrunch was replaced with a wince. "...Sheikah. You mean Sheikah," she didn't understand how he didn't know that, but then again...he's not like the scrubs here. He's not from here. "I forgot you're not from here," she placed a hand to her head and shook it.
"It is important we get that letter to him. So, we haven't any other choice but to ride off to find him." She mounted up on the horse after it had enough rest and water to drink. "Let's go." She waited for Tommy to hop on and hold tight. "You two are more trouble than peahat larva. I hate peahat larva."
PercivalAPP [5:16 PM] "Not long. Fifteen minutes? Maybe twenty? Like I mentioned, I'm surprised you didn't see him on your way in. Judging by when you arrived you would have come quite close to overlapping."
With his part in this done, Percy makes a return to his homestead, rounding out the back of the building to pull in some washing that is hanging off the line. "Safe travels."
TommyAPP [10:12 AM] Tommy wraps his little arms as far as they'll go around Lomoora's waist. "Steady on, some of me cousins are peahats." :( ... "Just trimmin' ya." ;) Tommy gives a quick wave to Percival. "Thanks fer th'tip, geezah!" (Fun fact: 'geezer' is actually a term of respect amongst street urchins, something like an unofficial chieftain. Whether anyone around here besides Tommy thinks of it that way is an open question.)
Once they're sufficiently away from town, Tommy leans around Lomoora. "...So wot's a Shee-ka, anyway?" e.e;