Characters involved:
Shemri Some time after Aubrey was led to discovered the injured woman in the little chasm, the Gerudo carry her into the fortress area on a stretcher. Aubrey, as requested, fetched a healer who knows more about the business than 'use shiny trinket to give magic healing mojo', and she met them on the way to examine her patient. The cats and fox, of course, are following surreptitiously at a distance. After all, since when do such critters know anything about two-legs business? :innocent:
"Head trauma," the doctor concludes as they approach the fortress. "At least, that's the main thing. We'll know more once we've got her in a proper bed and -- " "MOOOOOOOM!!!" The boy who'd been having nightmares comes tearing across the courtyard toward the stretcher. 0.0; Where the two-legs see a small boy running frantically, the critters see something a little more: a dark cloud trails behind the boy attached to the back of his neck by a strained tendril, hemorrhaging black fumes that dissipate into the air. The woman looks up, and her tired face lights up with recognition. n.n She raises a hand toward the approaching child, and the noxious gas bag ruptures on its side.
But then the hand falls, and the woman passes from consciousness. U.U Well-meaning but rough hands stop the boy from reaching his mother. "Easy, she's in bad shape! You can't be touching her right now! Go wait with the other kids!" The boy watches, stunned, while his mother is carried indoors. Above him, the purplish-black form seals its wounds and pulls itself down onto his shoulders. With a hollow look in his eyes, the boy stumbles away into another part of the building.
The tip of Sheikah's tail twitches tautly as he watches the scene unfold. "It's been weakened, but it's not giving up," he mutters to the others. "It still has a hold since the mother's in rough condition. The Fear will ride him hard now, trying to regain its strength and carve a permanent hiding place in the boy's heart." Sheikah prowls after the boy while most of the two-legs remain staring after the injured woman. "If you're still with me, we've got a fight on our paws yet."
Kito Striding next to Sheikah, The Snow Fox lifts his head and puffs out his furry chest. "Of course! Let us strike the fear while it is weakened.. or else we could end up with more Fears to fight." The fox glanced around before eyeing up the stretcher, it carried the mother off and Kito couldn't help but feel sad that it wasn't over for the poor boy.
His small claws dug into the sandy bricks before he dashed off towards the boy, it was best to stick close and keep an eye on that terribly strong shadow..
Tipper Tipper was proud of the work they all accomplished. They've done great work here! She was looking forward to a nice rest after the family was reconnected. Mother and child! Who could ask for anything more? Well, the Fear could and it wasn't exactly in the best way. The mother recognized her child's voice, but didn't have the strength to address him further. Understandable, but that leech was going to make things a whole lot worse. "Mmmmmmmrrrrrrf! That just does it! We've fought these things off and they insist on remaining a problem to the very end! Well, I won't have it! I want my nap and my food and anything else I can scrounge up from the two-legs around here!" It's safe to say she was angry. "I'm ready to get into this fight!"
aubrey (OOC: I'm going to say Sheikah is using his Sneak Attacker reputation for a bonus, but only if he can score 2 or better in stealth...for which he has 4 from Legs and 2 from Silent Shadow.) 8:19 /roll 6d6
Dicebot @aubrey rolled 26 Dice 6d6 Rolls 4 6 5 1 4 6
aubrey (OOC: Easily succeeds, so now here's 4 from Fangs + 2 from Sneak Attacker.) 8:20 /roll 6d6
Dicebot @aubrey rolled 23 Dice 6d6 Rolls 6 1 5 6 2 3
aubrey (OOC: Three evens. The Fear defends with a general strength of 5.) 8:21 /roll 5d6
Dicebot @aubrey rolled 16 Dice 5d6 Rolls 5 2 2 1 6
aubrey (OOC: Aw, it managed to match Sheikah, no damage. Now it attacks back...) 8:22 /roll 5d6
Dicebot @aubrey rolled 20 Dice 5d6 Rolls 4 5 3 6 2
aubrey (OOC: Sheikah defends with 4 from Coat.) 8:23 /roll 4d6
Dicebot @aubrey rolled 16 Dice 4d6 Rolls 6 6 2 2
aubrey (OOC: Success, and 1 extra which I can store as a style point.)
Shemri There aren't all that many places where a person can be alone in Gerudo Fortress these days, but those in distress will find them. The boy goes to a store-room and squeezes through a gap between some boxes, finding a secluded space where nobody is likely to disturb him. There he curls up against the wall with his knees to his chest, and stares blankly at the phantasms of his mother dieing which the Fear passes before his eyes. #.#
Sheikah tracks the boy's scent to his hiding place. This is rather convenient, actually...they can do battle without a lot of grown-up two-legs spotting them and probably thinking they're attacking the boy himself. :P "I'll go first," Sheikah whispers to the others. "Get ready to join in when I move." Sheikah leaps lightly onto the crates, then prowls along them to the wall. He perches on the edge, adjusting his footing until it's perfect, then POUNCES! >E
The Fear, unfortunately for Sheikah, was just in the process of tilting its 'head' (it doesn't actually have physiology, it just takes the shape of whatever's convenient) in a ghastly manner. Sheikah's teeth scrape along the rounded surface that is suddenly presented them and fail to gain puncture. ^>.<^; The Fear attempts to retaliate against the sudden assault by flinging its arms around Sheikah, but Sheikah's glossy fur allows him to slip through and bound to safety. The boy, of course, is quite startled by this exchange, especially to find out that the faint, foggy form tormenting him wasn't just his imagination. o.O; "LET'S GO!!!" Sheikah shouts to the others.
- Note: there was a LONG pause here until 5/28/2022 because Kentas (Kito's player) disappeared from the community. *
aubrey (OOC: I'm guessing we could all use a refresher on how the Cat game system works. First, here are our characters' stats:
Sheikah: Claws: Good (3d6) Coat: Strong (4d6) Face: Best (5d6) Fangs: Strong (4d6) Legs: Strong (4d6) Tail: Strong (4d6) Reputations:
Sneak Attacker: 2 Silent Shadow: 2 Tracker of Game: 2 Desert Guide: 1
Tipper: Claws: Strong (4d6) Coat: Good (3d6) Fangs: Strong (4d6) Legs: Best (5d6) Face: Good (3d6) Tail: Average (2d6)
Kito: Claws: Good (3d6) Coat: Strong (4d6) Face: Strong (4d6) Fangs: Good (3d6) Legs: Strong (4d6) Tail: Best (5d6)
Notice that Sheikah is currently the only one with Reputations, simply because the others haven't thought up any yet. It would be a good idea to try and come up with some, because you're missing out on bonuses and the fun of applying your character's strengths to the situation. You get 7 points to distribute amongst whatever Reputations you can come up with, with the maximum for a single Reputation being 3.To do an action (like attacking the Fear), choose one of your Traits (like Claws or Fangs), then roll whatever dice amount is associated with that Trait. If you have a relevant Reputation, you can add that many dice to the roll. Your successfulness is the number of evens (2, 4, or 6) you roll. If you want to know more, go to to see the reference for the system.)
Fallon Tipper followed Sheikah's lead in attacking the Fear. With something like this, she really wonders how they can get the jump on it, but he seemed to have done so, despite his efforts. They may yet be able to overwhelm it. Hmm, overhwelm...Launching herself onto the ground, she places herself within just enough distance to draw the attention of the Fear. "Hey, shadow puppet!" She then begins to dart around the area, finding choice spots to stop at to turn this into a game of cat and mouse. Strange to be the mouse, though... Nah, she's cooler than the mouse."Why don't you pick on someone else for a change!?" She continued in her darting, putting all that footwork she had forward.
Reputation: Speedball Furball3
/roll 5d6
Dicebot @Fallon rolled 23 Dice 5d6 Rolls 6 3 3 6 5
- fireball: 3:20 AM
/roll 3d6
Dicebot @Fallon rolled 10 Dice 3d6 Rolls 2 2 6
aubrey (OOC: Fear's defense roll...)
/roll 5d6
Dicebot @aubrey rolled 17 Dice 5d6 Rolls 5 1 4 5 2
aubrey (OOC: 2 evens compared to Tipper's 5. Actually, Tipper wasn't really attacking there per se, was she? e.ea Guess we'll just say she succeeded in both drawing the Fear's aggro and avoiding damage.)
aubrey (OOC: Sheikah's attack, 4 for Fangs and 2 for Sneak Attacker (again, since Tipper is distracting the Fear)...)
/roll 6d6
Dicebot @aubrey rolled 25 Dice 6d6 Rolls 4 5 3 6 5 2
- musical_note: 8:46 PM
(OOC: 3 evens. Fear's defense...)
/roll 5d6
Dicebot @aubrey rolled 18 Dice 5d6 Rolls 4 6 2 5 1
aubrey (OOC: 3 evens, so it avoids damage again. X) )
Sheikah The Fear turns on sensing a new presence within reach and slings its arm-like tendrils at Tipper, but she's too quick for it. Seeing that the thing's 'back' is toward him, Sheikah goes for another pounce, but the Fear chases after Tipper, inadvertently eluding Sheikah. ^#_#^ Well, can't exactly complain considering Tippers actions were what bought him that opportunity in the first place. ^u.u^
aubrey (OOC: I was idly rereading my log of the first scene in this plot, and it turns out Tipper did have some reputations written up. X) You can adjust things as you like, but here's what they were at the time: Prying Ears: 3, Wall Jumper: 2, Jester: 2)
Fallon (OOC: Oooh, sweet! Well, I can work with those. Lol. I started drafting up some after lookin' her stats over again, but sure, those are more generalized and I can work with 'em.)
Fallon Tipper drew the Fear to her and admittedly, that was...all she managed to think of at that point. Well, she did draw its attention, but now it wants only her and that's a problem. She continues running and tries to lose it by running up the wall and bouncing off of it to shake its pursuit.
aubrey (OOC: Fear's attack roll against Tipper...) /roll 5d6
Dicebot @aubrey
rolled 17
Dice 5d6 Rolls 4 6 5 1 1
aubrey (OOC: Two evens. Tipper's defense roll, which I presume involves Legs (5) and Wall Jumper (2)...) /roll 7d6
Dicebot @aubrey
rolled 26
Dice 7d6 Rolls 3 5 2 4 3 5 4
aubrey (OOC: Three evens, meaning Tipper gets 1 style point. Sheikah's attack roll, using 4 for Fangs and 2 for Sneak Attacker once again...) 1:32 /roll 6d6
Dicebot @aubrey
rolled 15
Dice 6d6 Rolls 4 2 2 1 2 4
aubrey (OOC: Niiiice, 5 evens. Fear's defense roll...) /roll 5d6
Dicebot @aubrey
rolled 13
Dice 5d6 Rolls 1 5 2 1 4
aubrey (OOC: Fear takes 3 damage.)
Sheikah The Fear chases after Tipper with its tendrils outstretched, certain of catching her when she runs out of space. >{ The wall-bounding tactic catches it by surprise, and it twists its 'head' around in a way that would be impossible for an actual human to follow Tipper's trajectory. 9_9 >_> Then Sheikah pounces again, and this time he gets his fangs RIGHT IN THE JUGULAR! >D ...Or where the jugular would be, of course. No actual blood involved, but the relatively thin stretch of body mass approximating a neck does make it easier for Sheikah to get some serious puncture. The Fear reels aside, more fumes hissing from its protoplasm, and it looks significantly smaller. >~<; The Hylian boy watching the cats can't perceive much of what's happening to the Fear, especially now that it's not actively trying to show him grotesque images of his mother, but he perks up at the acrobatics and fighting display being put on in front of him. OoO
Fallon Tipper decides to add to the attack and thinks it's a good plan to swipe while the creature is reeling at Sheikah's bite. She heads up and swipes at the body of it, attempting to get a couple good bats in at it in the hopes of causing some further damage. "You...thing! Why. Won't. You. Go. Away!" She fusses or well, hisses. "Leave this child alone!"
aubrey (OOC: Tipper's attack, using 4 for Claws:) /roll 4d6
Dicebot @aubrey
rolled 10
Dice 4d6 Rolls 3 4 2 1
aubrey (OOC: 2 evens. Fear's defense, with general strength of 2:) /roll 2d6
Dicebot @aubrey
rolled 6
Dice 2d6 Rolls 5 1
aubrey (OOC: 0 evens, so it takes 2 damage.)
Shemri Tipper's claws dig deep into the Fear's flank, opening another couple gashes from which its essence hisses. With holes on both sides of its body, it wriggles desperately, seeming unable to close the wounds. <~> Finally its skin sort of peels back on itself, tearing the rifts wider until they join and then swallow up the material, and the entire thing dissipates into nothingness.
Sheikah grooms his foreleg in satisfaction. 3P "That's that. Thanks for your assistance, that would've been a bit much for me on my own. I'll make sure you get plenty of choice table scraps."
The boy, seeing that the cats have stopped their antics for now and subconsciously feeling a weight lifted from his spirit, tilts his head in curiousity. After a moment, he tentatively reaches out to scritch Tipper between the ears. "...Nice kitty?" o.o
Fallon Tipper shook her fur as if clearing off water from it. May have been a little dusty, but it puffs and lays back down. "You're too kind! But I'll be taking you up on that." The touch between the ears caused her ears to twitch, but she turned around towards the boy and leaned her head into his hand. Classic cat headbutt. She could go for more pets.
aubrey D'awww, Tipper has a two-legs friend. E3 Maybe she'll be adopted into his family and get fed and petted and appreciated evermore. Or not, up to her.
To give a brief conclusion to this arc, the boy's mother does recover under the watchful care of the local physicians. The boy too heals, from wounds that were mental and spiritual rather than physical, and is stronger for the experiences, though a bit scarred still. Sheikah makes good on his promise to gather plenty of table scraps, which causes Shemri to wonder if maybe he started a family without her knowing about it. c.c And of course, this little adventure took place before the whole flooding of Hyrule thing (can U believe it?), so the beasts are free to go where they will...though as Sheikah said when he first called for help, there are worse places for a cat to settle in than Gerudo Fortress.
Shemri Some time after Aubrey was led to discovered the injured woman in the little chasm, the Gerudo carry her into the fortress area on a stretcher. Aubrey, as requested, fetched a healer who knows more about the business than 'use shiny trinket to give magic healing mojo', and she met them on the way to examine her patient. The cats and fox, of course, are following surreptitiously at a distance. After all, since when do such critters know anything about two-legs business? :innocent:
"Head trauma," the doctor concludes as they approach the fortress. "At least, that's the main thing. We'll know more once we've got her in a proper bed and -- " "MOOOOOOOM!!!" The boy who'd been having nightmares comes tearing across the courtyard toward the stretcher. 0.0; Where the two-legs see a small boy running frantically, the critters see something a little more: a dark cloud trails behind the boy attached to the back of his neck by a strained tendril, hemorrhaging black fumes that dissipate into the air. The woman looks up, and her tired face lights up with recognition. n.n She raises a hand toward the approaching child, and the noxious gas bag ruptures on its side.
But then the hand falls, and the woman passes from consciousness. U.U Well-meaning but rough hands stop the boy from reaching his mother. "Easy, she's in bad shape! You can't be touching her right now! Go wait with the other kids!" The boy watches, stunned, while his mother is carried indoors. Above him, the purplish-black form seals its wounds and pulls itself down onto his shoulders. With a hollow look in his eyes, the boy stumbles away into another part of the building.
The tip of Sheikah's tail twitches tautly as he watches the scene unfold. "It's been weakened, but it's not giving up," he mutters to the others. "It still has a hold since the mother's in rough condition. The Fear will ride him hard now, trying to regain its strength and carve a permanent hiding place in the boy's heart." Sheikah prowls after the boy while most of the two-legs remain staring after the injured woman. "If you're still with me, we've got a fight on our paws yet."
Kito Striding next to Sheikah, The Snow Fox lifts his head and puffs out his furry chest. "Of course! Let us strike the fear while it is weakened.. or else we could end up with more Fears to fight." The fox glanced around before eyeing up the stretcher, it carried the mother off and Kito couldn't help but feel sad that it wasn't over for the poor boy.
His small claws dug into the sandy bricks before he dashed off towards the boy, it was best to stick close and keep an eye on that terribly strong shadow..
Tipper Tipper was proud of the work they all accomplished. They've done great work here! She was looking forward to a nice rest after the family was reconnected. Mother and child! Who could ask for anything more? Well, the Fear could and it wasn't exactly in the best way. The mother recognized her child's voice, but didn't have the strength to address him further. Understandable, but that leech was going to make things a whole lot worse. "Mmmmmmmrrrrrrf! That just does it! We've fought these things off and they insist on remaining a problem to the very end! Well, I won't have it! I want my nap and my food and anything else I can scrounge up from the two-legs around here!" It's safe to say she was angry. "I'm ready to get into this fight!"
Shemri There aren't all that many places where a person can be alone in Gerudo Fortress these days, but those in distress will find them. The boy goes to a store-room and squeezes through a gap between some boxes, finding a secluded space where nobody is likely to disturb him. There he curls up against the wall with his knees to his chest, and stares blankly at the phantasms of his mother dieing which the Fear passes before his eyes. #.#
Sheikah tracks the boy's scent to his hiding place. This is rather convenient, actually...they can do battle without a lot of grown-up two-legs spotting them and probably thinking they're attacking the boy himself. :P "I'll go first," Sheikah whispers to the others. "Get ready to join in when I move." Sheikah leaps lightly onto the crates, then prowls along them to the wall. He perches on the edge, adjusting his footing until it's perfect, then POUNCES! >E
The Fear, unfortunately for Sheikah, was just in the process of tilting its 'head' (it doesn't actually have physiology, it just takes the shape of whatever's convenient) in a ghastly manner. Sheikah's teeth scrape along the rounded surface that is suddenly presented them and fail to gain puncture. ^>.<^; The Fear attempts to retaliate against the sudden assault by flinging its arms around Sheikah, but Sheikah's glossy fur allows him to slip through and bound to safety. The boy, of course, is quite startled by this exchange, especially to find out that the faint, foggy form tormenting him wasn't just his imagination. o.O; "LET'S GO!!!" Sheikah shouts to the others.
Fallon Tipper followed Sheikah's lead in attacking the Fear. With something like this, she really wonders how they can get the jump on it, but he seemed to have done so, despite his efforts. They may yet be able to overwhelm it. Hmm, overhwelm...Launching herself onto the ground, she places herself within just enough distance to draw the attention of the Fear. "Hey, shadow puppet!" She then begins to dart around the area, finding choice spots to stop at to turn this into a game of cat and mouse. Strange to be the mouse, though... Nah, she's cooler than the mouse."Why don't you pick on someone else for a change!?" She continued in her darting, putting all that footwork she had forward.
Sheikah The Fear turns on sensing a new presence within reach and slings its arm-like tendrils at Tipper, but she's too quick for it. Seeing that the thing's 'back' is toward him, Sheikah goes for another pounce, but the Fear chases after Tipper, inadvertently eluding Sheikah. ^#_#^ Well, can't exactly complain considering Tippers actions were what bought him that opportunity in the first place. ^u.u^
Fallon Tipper drew the Fear to her and admittedly, that was...all she managed to think of at that point. Well, she did draw its attention, but now it wants only her and that's a problem. She continues running and tries to lose it by running up the wall and bouncing off of it to shake its pursuit.
Sheikah The Fear chases after Tipper with its tendrils outstretched, certain of catching her when she runs out of space. >{ The wall-bounding tactic catches it by surprise, and it twists its 'head' around in a way that would be impossible for an actual human to follow Tipper's trajectory. 9_9 >_> Then Sheikah pounces again, and this time he gets his fangs RIGHT IN THE JUGULAR! >D ...Or where the jugular would be, of course. No actual blood involved, but the relatively thin stretch of body mass approximating a neck does make it easier for Sheikah to get some serious puncture. The Fear reels aside, more fumes hissing from its protoplasm, and it looks significantly smaller. >~<; The Hylian boy watching the cats can't perceive much of what's happening to the Fear, especially now that it's not actively trying to show him grotesque images of his mother, but he perks up at the acrobatics and fighting display being put on in front of him. OoO
Fallon Tipper decides to add to the attack and thinks it's a good plan to swipe while the creature is reeling at Sheikah's bite. She heads up and swipes at the body of it, attempting to get a couple good bats in at it in the hopes of causing some further damage. "You...thing! Why. Won't. You. Go. Away!" She fusses or well, hisses. "Leave this child alone!"
Shemri Tipper's claws dig deep into the Fear's flank, opening another couple gashes from which its essence hisses. With holes on both sides of its body, it wriggles desperately, seeming unable to close the wounds. <~> Finally its skin sort of peels back on itself, tearing the rifts wider until they join and then swallow up the material, and the entire thing dissipates into nothingness.
Sheikah grooms his foreleg in satisfaction. 3P "That's that. Thanks for your assistance, that would've been a bit much for me on my own. I'll make sure you get plenty of choice table scraps."
The boy, seeing that the cats have stopped their antics for now and subconsciously feeling a weight lifted from his spirit, tilts his head in curiousity. After a moment, he tentatively reaches out to scritch Tipper between the ears. "...Nice kitty?" o.o
Fallon Tipper shook her fur as if clearing off water from it. May have been a little dusty, but it puffs and lays back down. "You're too kind! But I'll be taking you up on that." The touch between the ears caused her ears to twitch, but she turned around towards the boy and leaned her head into his hand. Classic cat headbutt. She could go for more pets.
aubrey D'awww, Tipper has a two-legs friend. E3 Maybe she'll be adopted into his family and get fed and petted and appreciated evermore. Or not, up to her.
To give a brief conclusion to this arc, the boy's mother does recover under the watchful care of the local physicians. The boy too heals, from wounds that were mental and spiritual rather than physical, and is stronger for the experiences, though a bit scarred still. Sheikah makes good on his promise to gather plenty of table scraps, which causes Shemri to wonder if maybe he started a family without her knowing about it. c.c And of course, this little adventure took place before the whole flooding of Hyrule thing (can U believe it?), so the beasts are free to go where they will...though as Sheikah said when he first called for help, there are worse places for a cat to settle in than Gerudo Fortress.