Characters involved:
- Tommy
- Nabooru
So, we all remember what happened in Hyrule Field recently, right? Esava and Tommy head for Kakariko, Mr. Final Boss showed up way out of sequence, Esava got air-lifted to his destination unconscious, and Tommy skedaddled on back to Gerudo Valley to inform them of his ~friend's~ lackey's misfortune. Actually, the first sign they'll get that something went wrong will be from the horse, cantering back home without any rider and of course outstripping the short-legged scrub. u.u But pretty soon Tommy arrives to provide a more vocal info dump. "Hoi! Where's th'boss-lady at?! I gots important news for 'er!" >o<;
LomooraAPP [7:07 PM] Horses don't tend to just arrive alone, granted those from here are trained to return home in some instances. In this case, where is the rider? A horse with no rider tends to be bad news. Lomoora approached the horse and took it by its reins to tend to it, only just barely noticing the living plant that was following behind it. "Are you the one responsible for returning this horse?" She asked. "And the Lady is around, but what is this news that is so important that she must deviate from her duties here to address you?"
TommyAPP [7:34 PM] Tommy gives the horse the stink-eye. "Wouldn't say I'm responsible, stupid beast blinkin' near pushed me off th'bridge in passin'. But that ain't important. Wot's important is, I just saw that Ganondorf yahoo everybody's always yammerin' about! Wouldn't y'boss wanna know wot 'e's up to?" >:|
LomooraAPP [10:08 PM] The attendant's eyes widened at the mention of Ganondorf's name. He's on the move, it seems. That's not good. "She would. Come with me. I'll get you back to the Fortress and turn you over to someone who should know where to find her." Unfortunately, Lomoora doesn't know where the chief is right off hand, but she imagines it shouldn't be hard to run into her. She decides to guide Tommy back and leave him in the care of the guards who would likely be more aware of her schedule.
NabooruAPP [10:18 PM] The Fortress remains busy, day and night and it can't be said that it hasn't taken its toll on Nabooru. Still, she maintains her face and strength in all of this. Her willpower has always been on the higher side. She's been working closely with administrators to determine the best way to handle the refugee problem. Her solution, at this point, has been to put them to work. She didn't want to have them laying about doing nothing, but living in fear. Having something to do means a contribution and further, being caretaker while Zelda is away....wherever she went.
She never received the feeling that she passed, but she does find herself concerned for her absence. "I may have to leave again, as much as I don't wish to..." She muttered to herself. She's approached by a guard who informs her of a deku scrub who has requested her presence. "A scrub? Never get to speak with them often, but it does make me curious." When mention was made of Ganondorf, her face darkened to some degree and she nodded. "I see. It's those two or of them." Something happened and it makes her blood boil just thinking about it.
Without wasting time, she has the guard lead her to the scrub so that she can speak with them.
TommyAPP [8:00 AM] Tommy is already regaling the guards when Nabooru arrives, seeing as he has nothing better to do while he waits. "So then 'e wos like, 'I'll propah roast you an' 'ave you fer tea, y'feathahed freak!' An' he sent out this blast of bad mojo in all directions an' -- oh good, you're here! 'Scuse me ladies, I'm gonna have t'start at th'beginnin' again." Tommy gives Nabooru an account of what happened, from the ambush on the field to Esava's rescue. "So then I came back heah sharpish. Dunno where th'bird chappies were takin' Esava, sort of in the same direction as that place in th'middle of th'field, but I think they wos headin' past it."
NabooruAPP [10:26 AM] "Heading past the middle of the field...." Nabooru thought to herself after gathering all the prior information about Ganondorf. She heaved a sigh, knowing what she wanted to do, but focused on what she needed to do.
"If I had to guess, they were headed to Kakariko. He should be safe there. There's likely a reason he ended up there, but he should be fine. The man you were with was definitely a fighter. Had to be if he placed himself between Ganondorf and you," she regarded him carefully.
"So, explain to me what you two were trying to accomplish before the attack?"
TommyAPP [10:22 PM] Tommy scratches his head. "Kakrika, eh? Think that wos th'place we wos tryin' t'go anyway. And yeah, Esava's a fightah sure 'nuff. Owes me 'is life twice ovah too, so that's part of it. 'Ere now, didn't 'e tell you any o' this? We wos goin' t'Kakrika to try an' find that hero chappie wi' th'funny green hat, so's we could 'elp with bringin' ol' nutso down an' get a juicy reward from th'royals. Dunno wot 'e thought we could do -- well, maybe he could manage a lil' somethin' -- but I don't like lettin' 'im outta me sight, so I let 'im drag me along through dungeons an' deserts. Ironic that it took a nice peaceful plain t'nearly do us in." =.= Tommy squeezes his hands together. "Speakin' o' lettin' 'im outta me sight, I should probably be goin' to Kakrika now I know that's where 'e probably is. Anybody y'know headin' that way? I ain't too familiar wi' th'local lines-on-parchment yet."
NabooruAPP [12:20 AM] Despite Tommy's dialect, Nabooru was able to pick up on much of what he was saying. At the very least, what wasn't translated by sound was easily picked up by other means. Body language was always something she paid more mind towards and though she hears him, his movements tell her something else. "I wasn't informed at all, nor did I ask. He seemed to be reserved and probably thought not to bother me much with details. Turns out that was a bad idea," she chuckled at Esava's expense. "But I'm not bothered by that. He was someone on a mission and I understood that from his actions. I've observed him this entire time, but never said anything," she shrugged.
"Anyway, I can send someone to go with you. They can control the horse and get you to Kakariko quickly enough. The attendant you spoke with, she knows the horses well. I'll send for her and you'll both ride together. She can also navigate the field well enough to see you through safely. I've sent out plenty of scouts and have a decent idea of what the lay of the land is like now. In the meantime, you should stock up on some useful items before you leave again."
TommyAPP [6:45 PM] Tommy taps his chin, or at least the general area where a chin would be in most species. "Hmm, bet there's some othah things 'e didn't mention," he muses under his breath. e.e Tommy perks up when Nabooru offers a guide and even supplies. 8D "Well now, that's bloomin' big-hearted of ya, boss-lady! Lemme know if there's any lil' errands you'd like me to run whilst we're out theah, I'm good at acquirin' stuff y'know." ;)
NabooruAPP [2:59 AM] "In this time, I'm doing what's strategically viable," Nabooru answered back simply enough. "Giving you supplies helps me and in turn, I get a return service. Not that I'm just all battle and no heart. I have plenty of that, but in times like this, you have to have some reservations. Still, I like you enough to help you and that's a big compliment coming from me," she smiled brightly. "Let's see here... How about this. Whenever you meet back up with your friend, tell him to send me a letter of his plans. It's better that we coordinate than running around getting attacked by evil pigs in armor," she explained while beckoning the attendant and horse to come forward to her.
"I'm trying to keep an ear to the ground to make sure I can get as much information as I can from here. Building a network is crucial to our success out there. Going alone, when it comes to Ganondorf, is always a foolish option, even in the times where it must be done. That's just how sharp and crafty he is," she hated to admit to that, but when it came to planning, he was incredibly patient. Seven years it took for him to execute his grand schemes and who knows what more he did in Termina? It must have been enough to send a steady stream of Pirates this way.
"If he hasn't already, tell him to start making good friends out there. Link and his crew have good folks. Start with them and people they're associated with. Moving around Hyrule alone is what got him and you into this mess. Let's start getting out of it before it becomes bigger than we can handle."
TommyAPP [7:55 PM] Tommy doffs his acorn hat with a fancy twirl. "Right y'are, duchess! I'll 'ave 'im straightened out before y'can say seventeen slitherin' sluggulas! Always coordinate wi' your allies, that's wot I says!" Actually Tommy has rarely had allies before now and when he has he's usually bounced out on them with a lion's share of the loot...although in fairness that generally only happened because he was better than they were at finding the opportune moment to do so. Tommy heads off to pilfer -- ahem, select some generously provided supplies and then set course for that Kakrika place.