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aubrey:musical_note: 8:30 PM Aubrey stands by the docks under construction, playing a tune on his flute for the workers. He offered to help out with the actual work, but the Gerudo overseeing the project prefers to stick with laborers who have some experience with the nuances of the specialized construction involved, and, well, Aubrey's still a scrawny bard. X) But his music does seem to lift the crew's energy.

Nanette 8:36 PM Water. It appears that the woman making her way toward the docks in the rather leaky boat has this very large struggle with water, both soaked in it, as well as being a touch engulfed. She's managed to make it this far, and by no small bit of effort. Continuous effort. It appears she's currently splashing water over the side of the slowly sinking vessel in an attempt to remove the weight that causes her not-so-secure flooring to dip deeper and deeper. "Ah... help!" she cries out, her own self damp from the tip of her head to the bottom of her feet. Truthfully, she'll soon be treading water as the boat sinks beneath her. And she's looking a mite bit tired.

aubrey:musical_note: 8:58 PM Heads turn on hearing the call from out in the waters. c.c Aubrey stops playing and shouts, "GABRIEL!!!" A blue-plumed loftwing stalking fish in the shallows nearby lifts its head and takes flight. It lands to let Aubrey hop onto its back, then launches out over the waves. Under Aubrey's guidance, the loftwing goes to the boat and hovers overhead. "Hold out your arms and keep still! He won't hurt you!" Aubrey shouts down. Gabriel reaches down with his talons intending to grab Nanette's arms and carry her back to shore.

Meanwhile, a couple teams of Gerudo set out in canoe-like vessels to see if they can drag Nanette's boat back before it goes under completely. Waste not want not.

Nanette 9:22 PM Either because of acute desperation, or fear of drowning outweighs the fear of being lofted into the air by her wrists in Nanette's mind, she obeys. Unsteady on her feet, she pushes up after stopping her desperate attempt at removing water from the leaky boat and closes her eyes tightly, arms raised above her head, hands balled into fists. If Gabriel gets ahold of her, he'll hear the touch of a squeak, a moderately scared squeak, as she's lifted, but she remains mostly stiff and immobile through the process. (edited)



For those trying to get that boat, they'd better move fast. It's taking on water quite quickly.

aubrey:musical_note: 9:50 PM Gabriel clamps firmly onto Nanette's arms and beats his wings harder. The soggy wood and lapping water falls away from her feet, and then there is a whistling of wind past her ears. Who knows how long that seems to last for her, but suddenly it stops and her feet are crunching into something soft and shifting -- sand, as one could probably guess before even looking. Gabriel releases Nanette, then alights nearby. "Good job," Aubrey says, stroking the bird's neck as he hops off.

"Thank Farore you made it close enough, miss," Aubrey says, approaching Nanette. "I'm Aubrey Ramsden. Welcome to Gerudo Fortress." Aubrey scratches his head. "I guess we should try to find you some dry clothes first of all, and then maybe a good meal. Can you walk okay?"

The Gerudo salvagers loop a rope around the bowsprit of Nanette's boat, then tie each end to one of their own vessels and paddle back toward shore. "Keep a blade ready on that line, I'd rather lose some rope and that leaky bucket than our own boats," instructs their leader.



Nanette 10:03 PM The squeak ends not long after it begins once Nanette realizes the bird has a firm grasp, and that despite the slipperiness of her arm, she won't be plummeting toward the surface of the water far from shore this particular day. Feet touching down follows with her legs soon giving way as the woman falls forward, knees and the palms of her hands finding the sand relatively quickly. Considering she's already coated in water, sand clings to her palms as she eases up and then lets her bottom flop backwards onto her heels, melting into a seated position in the sand. "More like, thank Farore you were here and heard me," she replies, chest still rising and falling as she attempts to catch her breath. If we're honest, her appearance more resembles 'drowned rat' at the moment, than person. Well, not literally, but figuratively.

"I probably can walk, if you give me a bit," she continues, glancing to the sand surrounding that is easily sticking to moist skin and clothing. "It's my arms that are more tired than my legs. So, as long as you don't ask me to carry my baggage along the way, we're good."

Out at that boat, it becomes very clear that if she had any baggage, she'd tossed it long ago. So, there is no baggage. As such, the only thing everyone has left to tow back toward the shore is a rather water-logged boat. Since they caught it before it went under, it'll go with them. But, it won't look good once it comes on shore.

"Oh, right. name," comes the clear afterthought of the woman after a silent moment. "Nanette. Thanks for saving my bacon."

aubrey:musical_note: 10:58 PM Aubrey smiles. "You're quite welcome. And of course, it's Gabriel here who deserves the main credit." ;) Aubrey gives the loftwing another pat, and Gabriel gives a REE-EER before flapping off to resume fishing. Aubrey extends a hand to Nanette, waiting for when she feels up to standing. "I'm guessing you'd prefer Hylian clothes? I can't make any guarantees, but there are enough Hylian refugees here these days that we might be able to find you something."



Nanette 11:16 PM "Right, thanks for not ea..." But, Gabriel gives his sound and then flaps off even as Nanette lifts a finger. Humming, her finger crooks, and she finishes with a rather lame, "... ting me." There's a blink as she turns her attention back to Aubrey, considering him a moment before brushing her hand off on her bodice to lose that sand, and extending it to accept his offer to aid her in standing.

"As for being picky about clothes," she mentions after regaining her feet with Aubrey's help, her attention then turning to trying to rid the rest of her skin and clothing of sand - keyword there is 'trying', as it doesn't seem to be working. "Count me picky enough to just ask for 'dry', if that is available. I imagine anything else can come later. I can manage pretty much anything to be dry." Eyes slide up toward her hair where damp, stringy hair has also fallen over her forehead. "And clean water. Maybe." "... and something to eat?" She admits this just before a loud rumble emits from her stomach. "I'm a mess."

aubrey:musical_note: 11:52 PM Aubrey chuckles. "'Dry' is generally pretty easy around here." Aside from, y'know, at the actual shoreline. Aubrey leads Nanette toward the fortress proper. As he mentioned, along with the expected assortment of Gerudo, there are quite a few Hylians and even a few members of other races hanging about in the courtyard. "Let's see, where can we get -- ah, Shemri!" Aubrey walks over to a woman wearing a Hylian farmer's dress, though when she turns around, it becomes apparent she's actually Gerudo. "Shemri, this is Nanette," Aubrey explains. "She just came in on a boat that was almost sinking. She needs some fresh clothes and a meal."

ShemriAPP 11:52 PM Shemri looks Nanette up and down briefly. "Ah. Aha. Very well. I believe I have a spare dress she can use. Were there others?" Aubrey blinks. "Uh, no, I don't think so, though now you mention it, I should've thought to ask." c.c; Shemri waves a hand. "We shall send a few riders to check regardless, there may have been others in similar trouble even if she is unaware of them." Aubrey nods. "I'll make sure that gets done, if you wouldn't mind taking care of Nanette?" Aubrey gives Nanette a glance to make sure she's okay with being handed off.

Nanette 12:59 AM Nanette seems unconcerned about the handing over. Mostly because she is still fussing with sand in her clothing, specifically having flipped one of her pockets inside out as she tries desperately to rid it of sand. She bats at the fabric, shakes it, and frowns at it, as if the expression might frighten the sand away. To note, it does not.

And so this is how she meets Shamri, casual conversation with Aubrey fading once she is introduced, and a brief flush of embarrassment touching her cheeks as she stuffs the pocket back in, drowned rat appearance maintained otherwise.

"Oh, hey. Just, uh. Just me. Call me really bad with a boat. Or, the boat just hated me. One or the other. Or both. Maybe both. Probably both." She glances then between the pair, seeming content to wander off with whomever might be able to offer the dry clothes request.

ShemriAPP 6:18 PM As Aubrey heads off to alert some loftwing riders to Shemri's orders, Shemri leads Nanette inside the building. After a few turns, they come to a dormitory sort of room with lots of cots lined up along the walls. Shemri kneels at the foot of one of the cots and rummages through a bag, then comes out with a dress similar to the one she's wearing. She hands the dress to Nanette and points her to a dressing screen. "Here you are. Later on I shall show you to the laundry area." Shemri turns her back and waits for Nanette to change. "So, what is your story? Where have you come from?"

Nanette 8:25 PM "A place that wasn't below water, but is now," Nanette claims over toward Shemri, accepting the clothes before slipping behind the screen to change, wet and muddied garments tossed over the top to hang half on one side and half on the other while she re-dresses. "I guess that'd be everywhere, though, yeah? Down by the lake. Had a little cafe there. Not a whole lot, really. Sell some food and drink, talk way too much, try to fatten people up with sweets. But it's all under water now. How about you?"

ShemriAPP 9:49 PM Shemri frowns lightly at Nanette's initial glib response, but is satisfied enough when she elaborates. "I grew up here in the Fortress, but I left when I was quite young because Dragmire was crowned king. I lived as a huntress in the fields along with my cat, Sheikah. Eventually we became involved in the resistance. Then Dragmire moved his base of operations, and we Gerudo who opposed him were free to reestablish ourselves here. I am now second-in-command to Lady Nabooru, as ill-suited as I am to the task. I am not what you call a 'people person'." :P Shemri stands by the doorway. "When you are ready, let us go to the dining hall."



Nanette 9:52 PM Nanette leans, peeking out at Shemri as she reveals all of this... well, all of THIS. "I," she states, obviously still dressing behind the screen even as she peeks into the rest of the room where Shemri is, "am not nearly as important as you are." She ducks back behind the screen, and then emerges in her twinning dress, fingers starting to fight through tangled and damp locks of hair - though it's gradually starting to dry now. Probably worse for the tangles part. "Or probably brave. What about people don't you like?"

ShemriAPP 10:23 PM Shemri shrugs. "It is more that I am not good with people than that I dislike them, although being around people means I am unpleasantly reminded of my deficiency, so..." Like right now, it doesn't occur to Shemri to look for a comb Nanette can use. >_> Shemri sighs and walks into the hallway. "Let us just say that life was simpler when I was merely a huntress."

Shemri leads Nanette to the dining hall and orders her a bowl of the daily standard, which turns out to be a fish stew. With that and a mug of barley water, Nanette is sat down at one of the long tables. "So, you sold food before? Perhaps you could find work in the kitchens while you are here. If there is one job which must always be done, it is keeping people fed. Of course, you may do as you wish, but we cannot provide free hospitality for long, even for castaways."

Nanette 10:29 PM "Deficiency?" Nanette intones as she follows Shemri out of the dormitory type area and toward the dining hall, occasionally having a verbal argument with her hair when fingers catch snags, but otherwise seeming to focus on the other woman. At least mostly.

Bowl and mug passed to her, she eases down into the seat with something of a weary sigh, nose wrinkling as she does so. Seems she's managed to free most of the tangles from her hair on the trek to the dining hall, leaving only an awkward sort of frizz. It'll smooth eventually. Maybe. "Well, I don't expect to be a charity case, but I thought I might get at least one hour of respite before everyone puts me to work." She leans forward, a spoon procured before she partakes of soup, glancing toward Shemri again. "Imagine I'll find a place to help somewhere. I don't intend to be a burden."

ShemriAPP 10:50 PM Shemri nods. "When, how much, and what sort of work you do is between you and your belly. And what opportunities you can find, of course." Shemri lowers her head. "And when you do acquire some wealth, keep it well guarded. Some of us are trying to steer Gerudo culture away from the thievery of the past few centuries, but old habits die hard." e.e;

Nanette 10:56 PM "Well, I guess there's a benefit to the position I'm in now," Nanette comments back to Shemri, spoon clanking briefly on the side of her bowl. "I haven't got anything to steal. And if they try to take my skirt, well, I imagine more than just I would complain, you know?" There's a quick flash of a smile before she takes another bite of food, nodding a bit and speaking once she's done. "Not sure I'm in it for the whole 'wealth' thing, but I like giving people food they like and want to come back for. Not nearly as neat as being a hunter, but I can put what's hunted to good, and very tasty, use."



ShemriAPP 10:52 PM Shemri shrugs. "I would be quite amazed if somebody attempted to take the clothes you are wearing. Even here, thieves do not wish to be caught, and it would be impossible to remove your dress without your notice." This is Zelda after all, not Skyrim. :P

After getting Nanette's belly filled, Shemri shows her to the laundry area as promised. Aubrey comes in while Nanette is (presumably) busy getting the sand out of her regular outfit. "Ah, here you are Shemri. We did a quick patrol of the ocean for about a mile out, no other people in distress found." Shemri nods. "Very well, thank you. I must return to my work now." Shemri walks out, and Aubrey looks over to Nanette. "Hi there, Nanette. Feeling better?" :)



Nanette 10:59 PM "Oh, I was... not entirely serious about people actually taking my clothes," Nanette mentions with a brief flush touching her cheeks. "More pointing out that those are all I have for the moment, and not much worth taking."

Laundry area found, and yes, Nanette attempts to make quick work of that dirty outfit. Honestly, it will probably take a bit of scrubbing, perhaps even some minor tear repairs, and other work. "Thanks for the help!" She calls out to the departing Shemri, only to have her soon replaced by Aubrey again.

"Oh. Hey. Nice to see you again," arms elbow-deep in sudsy suds, scrubbing those garments. To note, she's managed to get bubbles on her cheek, but has at least tied her hair back by now, mess that it still is. "Fed, moderately clean, and only a little wet " she lifts one arm out of the water and waves it around before dipping back in. "Can't complain too badly. How're you?" She pauses, seeming to consider a moment before shifting on her feet. "And... was it George?"

aubrey:musical_note: 11:25 PM Aubrey chuckles. "Gabriel. And we're both doing fine. He seems to like taking me out on flights." Aubrey folds his arms. "Anything you still need? A place to sleep maybe? I've got an assigned cot in the barracks, and I wouldn't mind letting you take it tonight. I used to sleep on the ground all the time, back before I had a home."

Nanette 1:13 AM "I hadn't thought that far ahead, if I am honest," Nanette replies, her movements in that washing tub completely halting for a moment as her expression scrunches, nose wrinkling a touch. "But, I wouldn't want to take your bed and put you out, either. As nice as that offer is."

She moves again, finishing up the washing of those clothes and then twisting the garments tightly so the water might trickle back into the tub. After each article of clothing is wrung out, she sets them aside, flat to dry. "There's bunk rooms, right? Shemri took me to one to change. You think there is a free bed in any of them? If not, imagine I could sleep out under the stars. As long as it isn't raining, it'll be more dry than I have had for a few days, at least."

aubrey:musical_note: 11:59 AM Aubrey shrugs. "Most of the refugees around here do sleep in the hallways or outside under lean-tos with just a blanket and maybe some rolled-up clothes as a pillow. I have a place in the barracks because I was here before all this happened, and I have family to be with. I just thought you could use a night on something soft after what you've been through. Up to you." (edited)

Nanette 1:46 PM "Well, if I put you out of your bed, then, I don't just disturb you, but your whole family?" Nanette seems to consider this a moment with a frown before shaking her head again with a touch more earnest expression. "No, I couldn't do that. As kind as the offer is. And, I doubt any of the other refugees had more pleasant times than I did, really. Waterlogged is my worst complaint. Some muscle aches. That's not too much, all considered."

Damp clothes and all, she reaches to pick up the newly washed garments, folding them over one arm before bobbing her head in a determined sort of nod and lifting her attention back to Aubrey. "So! All that done, is there any place I can actually help out? I'd much rather be an asset than a burden, and doing something is a whole lot better than laying around and counting the cracks in the ceiling. Eventually run out of cracks." (edited)

aubrey:musical_note: 5:54 PM Aubrey taps his chin. "Well, let's see...there's always plenty of cooking and crafting going on around here...if you're good with kids, maybe you could help out my wife Fallon, she's the schoolteacher here and she's had a lot of extra little feet running around lately..." Aubrey snaps his fingers. "Oh, and on a bit of a tangent, if a loftwing approaches you -- y'know, those big birds? -- come find me or another rider for help. I mean, they're generally pretty gentle, and I learned how to ride mine without any coaching, but why pass up the advice now that we've got some folk who can give it? I mention that because loftwing riding is a job of sorts. Scouting, carrying packages and messages to other places, catching fish -- although they mostly do that last one on their own. But yeah, pretty valuable skill."

Nanette 7:01 PM "Noooot so great with kids, no," Nanette admits with the touch of a wince, free hand lifting so she might tap a finger against her chin, nose wrinkling. "Unless you mean roughhousing with them. I'll wrestle with them in the sand all day, make them laugh and giggle, start a food fight. But, actually trying to teach them? I'm not so sure about that." The wince deepens with this admission before she pulls in and releases a breath. "As for the big birds? Never flown on those before, just been carried by yours." She lifts a hand, ticking off on her fingers, "I can cook, I can bake, and did I mention I can cook? I'm good at cooking." (edited)

aubrey:musical_note: 7:16 PM Aubrey chuckles. "Well, before the flood, neither had I, or anyone else that I know. The Goddesses sent them, and you don't choose them, they come to you. But, no use worrying about it, just want you to know what to do if it does happen. Sounds like the kitchens are the first place you should look for work."

Nanette 7:27 PM "And, I'll be sure bird isn't on the menu," Nanette offers in reply to Aubrey, lifting a hand and pointing almost playfully at him before the smile drains off of her lips. "Probably funnier in my head. But yeah, even if it's washing dishes, I'll see about what I can do. If nothing else, I can meet new people to talk the ear off of, and you can get some peace."

aubrey:musical_note: 7:54 PM Aubrey perks his oversized lobes. "Oh, it'd be pretty tough to talk my ears off." ;) Aubrey chuckles again and waves. "Well, I'd better go find something productive to do myself. See you around, Nanette." With that, Aubrey wanders off, tootling on his flute. (edited)

Nanette 8:23 PM "See you around," Nanette replies to the retreating back of Aubrey before she takes off on her own little adventures through the maze of hallways. Most likely, she's looking for that dining hall and kitchen again. (edited)