Zelda RPG Wiki

Characters involved:

  • Torgem as Percival and Primrose
  • John
  • Itami
  • Adrian
  • Lude
  • Sayah
  • Tika
  • Netri


Percival APP 5:32 PM Once dawn splits the horizon, Percival makes his way out from the caves of Death Mountain. What he sees astounds him. Rolling waves. Swells. Seagulls. A slightly cloudy day. "Goddesses..." Percival breathes in disbelief, the entire landscape having changed in just a few hours. Before them Kakariko is gone, sunken into the salty water abyss. "Gone. It's all gone." As Percival is joined by others to examine the damage down, the area erupts into cries of anguish and wails. People don't often lose their entire livelihood in such a short span of time, after all. And when that does happen? Not everyone takes it as a chance to turn over a new leaf.

John APP 8:56 PM John gazes out on the watery expanse. Well now, looks like he's not the only homeless one around here anymore. Not that it makes him feel any better. As the cries start going up, John feels the weight of being a soldier amongst civilians during a crisis settle onto his shoulders, even though he's not officially a soldier anymore and never was one around here. "Who here knows about seafaring or fishing?" he calls out in a resounding tone. It's critical to get people started on tasks of survival, because it will help them avoid a self-destructive panic...and, y'know, it looks like food is going to be an emergency priority in the pretty darn near-future. Scruvo flutters down onto John's shoulder. "Thought ya'd like t'know, Johnny-boy, I can still feel Ruscov's soul out theah...an' I don't think it's down at th'bottom of th'briny." Well, that's good news...probably. Could mean Dorjan's still out there too...although a bottle would float up to the surface on its own, wouldn't it? c.ca It would if it's full of air...does a soul 'weigh' anything? Well, either way, it wouldn't be fun trying to scour the submurged plains for it.

The Crowd APP 6:37 PM No-one responds to John's question. He's met with sad eyes and blank expressions. Hyrule wasn't known for its oceans, after all. It had a lake, but going for a small canoe out on those waters is quite different to seafaring!

Itami APP 2:42 AM As if on cue, Itami comes coasting along on her broom and landing on the ground to come and take a look at what once was Kakariko. She saw everything from the air, but she just couldn't allow it to click into place until she saw it right in front of her. So, she worked her way through the crowd and came up to the water's edge, leaning down to touch it with her hand and then staring off into the distance. "I can't believe this actually happened. I could only dream to perform acts like this," she stated with zero sensitivity regarding her surroundings. "But this is more than magic. This is the work of something greater. Of who, I don't know what, but it certainly wasn't Ganondorf. There was...an entirely different presence that caused this to happen." Rising back up to her full height, she sighed. "Well, I think it best we start organizing around the trail and making home there. This is volcanic land, so it should be fertile for growing," she remarked echoing some similar sentiments to John, though she hadn't known it in her arrival. "Best to make of this what you can. It's a dawn of a new day."

Adrian APP 4:32 PM Adrian can't remember what happened. He hasn't totally lost his memory this time, which is a blessing...or is it? =.= It turned out pretty well for him last time, until he finally regained the recollection of his sordid past. XP Anyway, he can remember everything up until reaching the Great Bay in Termina, and then...well, something must have happened. Probably something underwater, because the next thing Adrian can remember is rushing up to the surface of a sea. After getting out of the giant fountain (not that difficult, since it pushes generally outward), Adrian takes a look around -- underwater of course, there's nothing much to see above water -- and it doesn't take him too long to realize what he's looking down upon. The sandy basin ringed about by grass is his own ancestral charge, Lake Hylia. o.o; Somehow he's back in Hyrule, but not Hyrule as he knew it. The waters have risen to cover nearly everything. Oddly enough, what this means to Adrian's monarchial mind is that Zora's Domain now extends across the breadth of Hyrule...and hence he is now inadvertently in violation of his banishment. >.<; Adrian sets off for the nearest place he knows of that has some chance of still being above water: Death Mountain.

John APP 6:01 PM Geh, you'd think there'd be somebody who's been a sailor or fisherman. :P What is this, a medieval village full of people who haven't been more than ten miles away in their entire lives? ...Oh yeah. e.e; "Well, looks like it's time to learn," John says, trying to stem any despair. "Somebody had to come up with those skills in the first place, we can do the same, and it'll be easier for us since we at least have some idea how it's done. We're going to need nets at the very least." Surely there are some people here with enough crafting experience to get started on that, and that'll give them something to do instead of panicking. Then Itami shows up, which is a ray of hope for John at least. Her words aren't the most comforting for the populace probably, but they're oriented toward practical action, which is what's needed now. "That sounds like a good idea. Is there anyplace around here we could take shelter as well?" "Preferably someplace not crawlin' wi' dragons an' bats," Scruvo supplies. c.c;

Sayah APP 9:39 PM With the seas calmer, the great fairy Sayah raises the house from the bottom of the sea. It sits calmly on the water, rocking gently on the waves. Sayah's fairy form dissipates and she's back to her old woman form. She stretches her old woman bones and yawns. "I am so pooped! I'm out of magic! That's not supposed to happen, i should return to my fountain upstairs. I'm afraid we're stuck on the open sea until my magic returns.." Sayah walks slower than usual to her fountain.


skull: 9:46 PM

Lude watches the house rise to the top, after Sayah leaves puts away his bottle of wine and exhales. "I guess we wait then. Lil sis, Tika, would you like to go fishing with me?"

Tika APP 8:02 PM About an hour passes and Lude and Netri is still sitting outside on the porch trying to fish. Neither of them actually catches anything, mostly pieces of wood, a boot, a lamp shade and some cloth. They currently have a competition to see who could bring up the biggest piece of junk. Lude is using a fishing rod and Netri, because she's too small to use a rod, is using fishing string attached to a hook. Netri is currently winning by a table, probably helps that Ponyo is on her side. Tika leaves her spot in the living room and meets Netri outside having fished up an ornate jar from the ocean. "What did you get this time Netri?"

Netri APP 8:28 PM Netri holds the jar close and eyes the gold inscription on it's side. It reads, "Soul of the heir to Loranis." Netri however, does not know how to read. "Something stupid!" She says as she throws it back into the sea.


skull: 8:32 PM

(Ooc that was just a little joke for ya @aubrey feel free to ignore it if it'll conflict with whatever you plan to do with Ruscov's soul.)

Adrian APP 9:47 PM SPLOOSH! A spurt of water erupts from the sea onto the mountain trail, and Adrian rolls to a stand on the incline. Strands of some sort of aquatic plant hang from his sword belt, and he appears to be a touch short of breath (which is exacerbated by the fact that Zora breathe better underwater and now he's having to deal with gaseous air). He looks around to gain his bearings while he's catching his breath. Lots of Hylians up here, unusual but not puzzling under the circumstances...ah, and a Gerudo too. Adrian gulps down another lungful of air and tries to banish the rasp from his voice. "How long has Hyrule been flooded? I've only just returned."

Spoof APP 5:30 AM Safe to say that there isn't a lot of acceptance to what John says. No-one appeared to be in much of a mood to learn at all! There's some mumbling around, but mostly they're just fidgeting and wandering about. Trying to get a handle on their new home at the base of Death Mountain.

Percival APP 5:32 AM Percival is one of the folks hanging off to the side. The older gentleman scans the sea horizon with a narrow gaze, inhaling a big breath before exhaling slowly. "The man is right." He follows John's lead as best he can. "We can either suffer here at the bottom of the mountain or hop to it and get to work on making this into a home."

Itami APP 3:00 AM Itami hums. "Only place that comes to mind is the mountain itself. There are a bunch of alcoves that pop up that could house some people, some of which tend to be sizable. Others aren't as friendly, but...what can you do? We could send a small detachment to get rid of the pests and make them a living space. Ooooor," her head tilted upward as she eyed the height of Death Mountain. "You can parley with the Gorons." Her attention returned to John with a one shouldered shrug finalizing her statement. "Sorry to say that dragons and bats are a regular part of this mountain," she added to Scruvo. Looking over the crowd, its evident they aren't too keen on the idea. All the shock hasn't cleared their system yet. "Only just returned? Well, you've come at the right time, it appears. The flooding happened recently. Very recently," she turned to face Adrian. "We were just attempting to organize ourselves and see about trying to live in the conditions we've been presented with. Everyone here is less than thrilled," she admits, gesturing to Percival. "He has spoken about it and so has this one," she motioned her hand towards John. "Including myself. It's safe to say their minds have been lost to these waters. Happens to everyone who hasn't gained their sea legs. Bunch of landlubbers here," she sighed. "Their pretty little heads don't know what to do. Poor things," she tsked drily. "Care to help here? You might be one of few hopes that stands or swims between these people and a potential livelihood. I assume you're skilled at fishing?"

John APP 9:38 PM Well, obviously the best option is to at least try getting the help of the Gorons, right? That's much safer, and though John doesn't know it, pretty likely to work. The Gorons are a friendly lot, after all, and they know this mountain better than anybody. But diplomacy with people who'll be almost certain to welcome you with open arms doesn't make for as interesting of sceneage as wresting territory from dangerous beasts. ;9 And besides, they're likely to need all the room they can get. "Let's do both," John suggests. "I'm a soldier, and I don't know the locals very well, so I'll volunteer for clearing out some caves. If anybody would care to come with me, I'd appreciate it. There's safety in numbers." "An' fire-breathin' jaws on legs in holes in th'ground," Scruvo remarks glumly. u.u

Adrian APP 10:21 PM Adrian eyes Itami sharply. 'Landlubbers'? Could she possibly be a Termina Gerudo? Well, obviously it's possible, he's been to Termina and back multiple times, but it's not everyday you run into somebody who's crossed over. Adrian files that possibility away in his mind as he straightens his posture. "Madam, to presume that a Zora is knowledgeable about 'fishing' as you know it is like reasoning that a human must be skilled at luring land beasts into the water. We do not complicate the matter with lines and hooks and nets as you do, we simply chase the fish and catch them." Adrian folds his arms. "With that said, I was for a time the captain of a pi -- a sailing crew, and I at least observed their methods of reaping the sea's bounty. I am not particularly concerned with the fates of Hylians, but I would be willing to establish trade, especially as I have reasons for remaining upon the land myself." e.e; Adrian starts picking the weeds off his swordbelt and tossing them into the water. "Bread kelp," he muses as he works. "I must have become entangled in it at some point. Horrible stuff for fouling up a ship's rudder, grows like a tippler's bar tab." :P

Itami APP 4:21 AM Itami shifted a bit in her stance as if to make herself more comfortable, though the manner in which she was addressed perturbed her a bit. However, that mild irritation turned to suspicion, though she speaks nothing of it. "It isn't uncommon for 'sailing crews' to want to engage in trade. You and I were thinking something of the same. I am only concerned about Hylians as much as they can provide me with funds to run my...currently sunken business in the very literal sense," she sighed. "It seems the powers that created this wasted no time in turning this place to brine," she noted the kelp Adrian plucked away. "I imagine we'll be subsisting off of fish for a while until these people get their act together. In exchange, you have first take of quarters to yourself. We're limited, so let's not get to thinking you'll have a great deal to yourself, but you can be afforded some prime land by being among the first to act. Likewise, the offer is extended to you," she turned to John and his willingness to sacrifice himself to the wilds to make for better living conditions. "Since you will be braving the alcoves and fighting off whatever lies inside them, it only seems fit to allow you to choose some space for yourself also. I intend to act in the stead of my profession as an apothecary. You," she nodded her head towards Percival. "Do you intend to join?" Having first pick, she imagines, will grant some much needed esteem around here. Everyone else could pack together for all she cared, but establishing some order could help in giving some form of advantage among the masses here. There wouldn't be room to argue once an authority was in place and she wasn't going to miss out on that opportunity.

Percival APP 1:44 AM Taking in the conversation silently, the older gentleman in Percival raises a brow when asked if he intends to join the suddenly-made task-force that will go out and clear caves. "I have no desire to live in caves. Nor do I have the constitution to fight the animals and monsters therein. The gorons left them alone for a reason, I suspect. The dangers therein are too great." Feeling the salty air spray against his face, the man looks about at the others gathered. "Not that I begrudge anyone who wishes to live inside the caves. I would instead recommend some sort of agreement where upon we could legally build on top of the goron land. As in permanent structures. I don't mind trying to summit the mountain in order to talk to the leader."

Itami APP 2:46 PM Itami was looking for a faster solution to this whole thing, but she supposed if someone was going to volunteer themselves, might as well be Percival since he's so generously offered. "That's fine. I only suggested the caves because this is an active volcano. If you can talk with the Gorons and see if they can provide a space for us that will be less affected by this mountain's tendency to erupt, I'm sure these people would be appreciative. In the meantime, a crew can be assembled to go in and clear the caves." She gestured up the trail to the first alcove. "Ahoy!" She called out, drawing attention to herself. "We're making a crew to go out and clear some of these alcoves out for living! If you've got the stomach for it, then partner up with this one here!" She pointed out John. "Grab anything worthy of a scuffle and prepare yourselves. No use in standing around befuddled!" She paused. "Or, if it tickles your fancy, you can greet the locals and ask them a favor of a permanent settlement! Join this one here for a trip up the mountain! The Gorons are a friendly lot, so you all should find some calm in these strange waters," she offered, gesturing to Percival. "For the rest of you, start making good use of your livelihoods. We're going to need it. Look alive, there's already flotsam to use here! I think we should start before the sea claims it for itself. More than it already has."

Percival APP 5:47 AM "I hope the path isn't too steep." Percival ponders aloud, looking at the beginning of the trail that lays before him. "Can you take care of Primrose while I'm gone?" The question posed to Itami is made as he glances back to the witch with a casual look. "You look to be quite capable. And Prim... she is quite special. I imagine you could even teach her a few things." Primrose herself seems unimpressed by this recent development. Her pouting face amid her long, curly red hair is so contorted it's almost cute! "But I wana go up and see the gorons! Take me with you!" "Prim, you know I can't take you up an active volcano. Especially after all that's happened. We don't know how the gorons will react." "Hmph!" A weathered look is given to the young lass, followed by a ruffle of her hair. "Alright. I'm off. I'll get back as soon as I can."

Itami APP 4:20 AM "What." Itami deadpanned. "Look after her?" Her face soured as she eyed the girl up and down for the inconvenience that she was. "If she wishes to learn something of being an apothecary, then she'll need to be prepared to put some leg work in. That's the bulk of the job aside from mixing and creating," she explained. "Make your trip quick. I don't intend to keep her for long," Gesturing to her, she points around the area. "There's much to gather here. Sunshrooms, warm safflina, darners and butterflies as well as lizards. If it appears to be something useful, it probably is. Your task is to get them and bring them to me so that I can make something of them. Be wary of the wildlife. Keese and chus don't care who they bother," she began. "Especially if they're the flaming variety. Keep where I can see you and things should be fine," she directed Primrose without hesitation. "If you have any arguments, choke them down and swallow them back."

Primrose APP 6:10 AM The young lass with the fiery red curly hair, green eyes and freckles stares up at Itami like she was some sort of demon. "You want me to garden for you? But there are no gardens around! It's all just rock. And dirt." The girl kicks the side of the volcano from where they stand upon. "Where do I go to get all these things?" Blink. "...did you say keese? On fire?"

Itami APP 10:02 PM "No, there aren't gardens around but there are plants and herbs if you know where to look. Like I said earlier," itami puffed a sigh and walked up to a cluster of sunshrooms. She plucked them up from the ground and held them up. "They can sometimes grow in green areas, but what they require is fertility. Death mountain has plenty of that," she tossed the shroom to Primrose to catch. "And yes, I did say keese on fire. As well as chus. That's not including lizalfos that breathe it and dinolfols, but luckily for me and you, the latter tend to stick to more troublesome areas. Fire keese are nothing to fear, nor chus. If you know how to handle them, you won't leave with a wicked lashing from a burn. If you do, then this gardening I'm directing you to do will help. A lot." Snapping her fingers, she summons her broom to her hands in a puff of smoke and hands it off to the girl. "This is a magic broom. It will help you to bat away those pests while you're collecting. If you're as special as that old man implies you are, then you shouldn't have too much trouble using it and its elemental properties." Getting her started immediately, it seems. "Now, we don't have much time to waste. Let's get to work. The defense party is already on the move and clearing areas for us to settle into and I do not intend to lose my place to some scurvy dogs that are all cuccoed up to help themselves.